Hey all, Andrea here! I'm a half-English/half-Italian, Brighton based choreographer with a big passion for games. I'm also the creator of SYNK!


My friends and I are really into word games, and for the past few years we've been playing this little, classic camp-fire game called Contact: one of those "nothing-required but your wit" kind of games that is ridiculously simple in nature, yet one we kept finding ourselves going back to. We would often play it within the early hours of the morning, over drinks and deep conversations, often without realising where the time went.

When the pandemic hit, I lost all my work, and for the first time in ages I found myself with nothing but time. And so…one night - just before considering opening a second tub of Ben & Jerry’s - I thought, “why not create my own game?”. It was now or never!

Image Product SYNK 10.jpg

Contact was a huge inspiration in the creation of SYNK!:

I wanted to create a new word game that retained the classic simplicity and engaging energy my friends and I loved, yet one that would add a greater level of competitiveness, and make some of my favourite weird, wild, wonderful words its very centre.

Small creative team assembled - and by small I mean myself and designer extraordinaire Camila Gonzalez (www.camilagonzalez.com) - Silly Giraffe Games was born!

Silly Giraffe Games Logo-A7.png

Queue endless hours of brainstorming, testing, and the ultimate "Eureka!" moment. SYNK! was officially a thing. Hope you enjoy playing the game as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it!